Solid Pave ®

Product compliant with the requirements of the Minimum Environmental Criteria Construction – Minimum Environmental Criteria Urban Furniture

Solid Pave ®

Product compliant with the requirements of the Minimum Environmental Criteria Construction – Minimum Environmental Criteria Urban Furniture

Thanks to over 18 years of experience in the soil stabilization and dust control market, with eco-friendly solutions both in Italy and abroad, Green Ways is proud to introduce Solid Pave®, a new formulation produced by Green Ways.

  • Solid Pave® is a new generation stabilizing and binding agent, based on nano technology, created to stabilize and bind any type of soil, increasing its strength compression and C.B.R., designed and developed by Green Ways for demanding customers eager to improve the performance of very poor soils by avoiding the use of hydraulic binders.
  • Solid Pave® allows you to drastically reduce soil consumption, CO2, and dust on the construction site. It allows you to improve logistics and working conditions of the operators responsible for stabilization and increase daily production.
  • Approximately 4.0 liters of Solid Pave® per m3 can be used.

These numbers make us understand the “REVOLUTION” underway regarding the benefits that can be obtained in terms of:

1. Drastic reduction in the transport of materials from quarries to construction sites with a significant reduction in CO2 production.
2. Reduction of the layers to be treated.
3. Total elimination of dust from construction sites with benefits for the health of operators and the reduction of costs for vehicle maintenance.
4. The possibility of reusing poor quality soil even with the presence of organic matter.
5. The ease and speed of installation.

Principali caratteristiche
  • totally non-toxic
  • it does not transmit heat
  • fireproof
  • maintains soil permeability
  • it does not change the color of the treated soils, thus leaving a natural color to the flooring
  • allows the use of all types of UNI 11531-1 aggregate
  • increases compression failure values UNI EN 13286-41 CNR B.U. 29/72
  • increases CBR UNI EN 13286-47 values
  • can be applied with multiple equipment (stone crusher, pulvimixer, sprinkling with water tank, paver machine)
  • It has a more elastic structure than hydraulic binders
  • does not require joints
  • significantly reduces maintenance costs
  • salt resistant
  • the soil treated with SOLID PAVE® is not considered waste
  • improves the working conditions of the installers as it is NOT powdery
  • the installation must be carried out with constant higher temperaturesto 8°, in the absence of rain or humidity
  • certified non-hazardous following groundwater transfer tests

Indicated for:

  • Ecofriendly product particularly suitable for applications in protected sites such as national and regional parks
  • Stabilization of construction site slopes
  • Stabilization of substrates preparatory to the laying of asphalt
  • Rural roads suitable for light or heavy traffic
  • Cycle/pedestrian parking lots
  • Archaeological sites

Do you want to implement Green Ways solutions in your projects?