Laying guidelines

Paving with a paver finisher

Laying guidelines

Laying steps for Green Ways® stabilized soils.

The stabilization of soil using Green Ways® solutions allows for the creation of eco-friendly and high-performance pavements, ensuring excellent wear resistance and reduced dust emissions. Below are general guidelines for proper laying; however, each project must be assessed and verified on-site and in the laboratory by specialized technicians.

Application of new aggregate and laying with a paver finisher

  • Preliminary test: Laboratory analysis of the selected aggregate to verify its suitability for stabilization.
  • Subgrade Preparation: Preparation of the subgrade according to project specifications.
  • Mixing: The aggregate is mixed with water and Green Ways® product in a fixed or mobile plant, or in a concrete mixer (loaded up to 3/4 of its capacity).

  • Transport and spreading: The mixed material is transported to the site using a covered truck and spread with a paver finisher over the pre-compacted subgrade, shaped with a 2% cross slope.

terre stabilizzate trasporto
terre stabilizzate compattazione
  • Compaction: The pavement is compacted using a roller compactor with a weight of no less than 8 tons.

  • Surface finishing: If required, once the surface is dry, the SOIL SEMENT® E.F.PBcEU dust and erosion control binder is applied by spraying. The application is carried out using a tanker equipped with a low-pressure pump and a spray bar with fan nozzles positioned 25 cm apart and 50 cm above the ground, ensuring uniform distribution.


Exclusion of liability

The information provided above is for general guidance only and does not constitute binding technical specifications. The adoption of the described procedures must be assessed on a case-by-case basis and adapted to site conditions. Green Ways® and its representatives assume no responsibility for any discrepancies or issues arising from the incorrect application of the suggested techniques.

The suitability and compatibility of the proposed solutions must be verified through an on-site technical inspection by qualified professionals before implementation, as well as through laboratory testing of the aggregates at a certified facility.

Any liability for damages, defects, or unsatisfactory results arising from the application of these guidelines is solely the responsibility of the contractor.

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